Friday, December 5, 2014

5 Questions for World Traveler Valerie Conners

Valerie Conners quit her job as an Editorial Producer of Digital Media for The Colbert Report to start a life of Location Independence with her fiancé. I asked her 5 questions.

1. When you and your boyfriend (now fiancĂ©) quit your good jobs in New York City to travel the world and create new lives for yourselves, did you have a set budget in mind that was in line with your savings at that time? 

We did work out a budget for ourselves based on our estimated monthly earnings, which took into consideration what we would put aside for taxes and savings, as well as fixed monthly costs - like rent, phone bills, car insurance, health insurance, etc. We then could come up with a budget for things like entertainment and dining out.

2. Since leaving your jobs and lives in New York City, have you ever felt insecure financially or otherwise about your choice to leave the rat race? 

We both have savings, which helps me feel more secure, but there is always a concern that if a contract ends or freelance project comes to a close without being replaced that there could be financial insecurity. That said, these are the risks any freelancer or independent consultant takes, whether you're location independent or not. 

3. Have you had health insurance since embarking on your travels? 

We do - we both pay independently for health insurance.

4. Do you intend to sustain the rambling lifestyle if you decide to have children? 

That is most definitely TBD. 

5. What is the best advice that you could give somebody who has an interest in attempting to lead a lifestyle of extensive travel? 

I would say to take a deep breath, and do it, even if they're scared. Location independence is certainly a scary prospect with its fair share of unknowns and challenges, but I think a lot of the things that people think are insurmountable (things like what to do with a house or furniture) actually have workable solutions. And the pay-off of having this lifestyle has been extraordinary.

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